And now, for something completely different! 

When you think



Country music.


… and an end to all the cheesy nonsense in country videos.

That’s why we’re here today. Because if you’re a manager, label, or creative agency, you should want something that’s actually f**king awesome.

If we’re being completely honest here, 99% of country music videos…



The good news?

We make videos that don’t suck.

Problem identified. Solution given.

That was f**king easy.

VFX/Editing Reel

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What we're bringing to the table

Why Nashville? Why now?

Well, it’s because we’ve pretty much got Los Angeles in order, and Decaf Grunge is a joint venture with Beautiful Majestic Dolphin, in Nashville, TN.


We do things differently.

We believe that videos live or die in beauty, VFX, and editing. Max Blum has demonstrated in 11 VMA nominated music videos, along with various commercial works, that his eye for what is visually stunning is just… well… better.

Better videos mean more conversions.

So you’re sitting at your label meeting, and the subject comes up that the video hasn’t taken off. Why? Maybe it’s because you trotted out a bunch of rote country-cliches, featuring trucks, beer cans, and girls in cutoff denim. Congratulations, you just paid for a completely forgettable video.

Maybe you’re not with a major, but you want to be.

Do you want to get noticed, but you’re unsigned? Here’s a brilliant idea: Make a statement. Be different. Don’t be the guy or girl who drinks beer in the back of a truck. You’re better than that, Travis Michael. Or Eric John. Or David Travis. Or Jimmy Keith. Or Eric Lee. Or Lee Ericks. Or whatever your first-name-last-name nomenclature is.

Here’s the other thing: We have the luxury of talking s**t.

You might be thinking, “Those dudes talk a lot of s**t.” And you’d be right.

But that’s just the thing…

We’re going to keep on making pop, rock, and rap videos in Los Angeles. Nashville is a new venture that Decaf Grunge doesn’t depend upon for any revenue, whatsover.


The only question remaining is, who is going to be the first country artist to take a risk?

In a bubble, it’s not really a risk. Choosing to make a beautiful video is a great idea. However, the insular, highly political nature of country music, and country music videos means that if you choose Decaf Grunge, you’re walking into some uncharted territory.

You know, because you’re not choosing “that guy” – the one that everyone goes to. *Yawn* We ain’t scared.


Turn country music upside down with us.

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